1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
1 teaspoon of Ground Basil
8 oz Center Cut Salmon
1 salted tablespoon butter
2 tablespoon Shake-A-Tailfeather Seasoning
4 cups of spinach (washed)
½ sliced lemon

Wash Salmon thoroughly with warm water and place on a sheet of wax paper.
Rub Shake-A-Tailfeather seasoning on both sides of the salmon until you get a uniform coating.
Combine the olive oil and basil together in a frying pan and set temperature to medium.
Place Salmon in a frying pan and allow it to sear for 4 minutes. With the spatula flip Salmon over and sear for an additional 4 minutes (be careful not to overcook as this could affect the desired taste). Place on plate
In a small pot, turn heat to medium and place butter in pot until melted.
Add spinach to pot and cook for 1 minute; stirring constantly and empty contents onto plate with Salmon.
Garnish plate with lemon and use it on Salmon and Spinach.